Udall Statement Opposing Confirmation of Steven Menashi to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit


Date: Nov. 14, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Senator Tom Udall (D-N.M.) released the following statement following the Republican majority vote confirming Steven Menashi to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit:

"I am appalled that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have voted to install Steven Menashi to a lifetime seat previously held by Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Despite Mr. Menashi's repeated refusal to answer legitimate questions from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, his inflammatory prior written work and highly controversial work for the Trump Administration speak volumes about his deeply problematic views and record.

"Mr. Menashi worked with the Trump administration to craft its anti-immigrant agenda and roll back protections for students who are disabled, LGBTQ, racial minorities, and survivors of sexual assault. He helped devise an Education Department plan to deny students debt relief from for-profit college scams. He has produced deeply offensive and dangerous writings on race, diversity, civil rights, a woman's right to choose, and so many other issues that show he is unfit for this position of public trust.

"The framers of our Constitution designed our federal courts as a place of recourse to protect rule of law. I voted against Mr. Menashi's confirmation to this lifetime appointment because he has demonstrated a reprehensible record on issues that will affect the communities that are too often targeted in our society."
